Estimated Playtime: 2-10 minutes

Number of Players: 2-4

Contents: 20 cards
 (18 game cards, 2 rule cards)


Far away, on a star different from Earth, there existed a world filled with lush greenery and life.

Towering above all was the "World Tree," a massive tree that seemed to reach the heavens.

Around the roots of this majestic tree, countless settlements thrived, with people living peacefully, basking in the blessings the World Tree bestowed upon them.

Among these settlements, the place known as the "Village of Trees" was particularly famous. Within this village, there was a vast underground city that could be accessed from the roots of the World Tree, where many people made their homes.

The underground city was a bustling hub where brewers crafted sake and craftsmen worked with wood, passing down their skills through generations.

This village was also the keeper of an ancient legend. The legend spoke of a woman named "Kukunochi," whose body was partly made of wood.

It is said that Kukunochi was the one who brought the World Tree into existence. She harnessed the light of the sun to perform photosynthesis, enriching the planet with abundant life.

Moreover, Kukunochi was believed to have had the ability to communicate with spirits unseen by human eyes, guiding and protecting the people through their power.

Yet, even Kukunochi could not escape the turns of fate. One day, a mysterious girl with a sword appeared, and Kukunochi was ultimately overcome.

Though her presence faded, the legend of Kukunochi endured, passed down through the generations by the villagers.

They continued to preserve the skills she left behind, crafting sacred Masu, which were believed to be charms connected to the World Tree. These Masu became symbols of the village's culture and history, cherished and safeguarded over many generations.

As time flowed on, a thousand years passed.

The era of peace had long since ended, and the village, along with the surrounding lands, found themselves engulfed in a time of war.

To protect themselves, each village established dojos and formed groups of warriors and reconnaissance teams.

Amidst this turmoil, a young boy stepped forward, entering one such dojo with a fervent wish for peace.

Will this boy, who so earnestly desires peace, be able to bring an end to the conflict that plagues his world?

The answer to that question remains unknown.

How to Play the Game Card Types

There are 11 types of cards in total. Each card has its own unique effect, which players strategically use to advance the game.

⑩Kukunochi (Regeneration)

⑨Sword Girl (Slash)

⑧Spirit (Telepathy)

⑦Farmer (Cultivation & Harvest)

⑥MasuCraftsman (Manufacturing&Protection)

⑤Brewer (Brewing)

④Warrior (Combat)

③Recon Team (Reconnaissance)

②Trainee (Suicide Attack)

①Boy (Transformation)

⓪Young Kukunochi (Photosynthesis)

Game Setup

Shuffle the 17 game cards (excluding "0: Young Kukunochi") and place them face down on the table as the "deck." (Rule cards are optional and can be kept at hand if needed)

Place "0: Young Kukunochi" horizontally next to the deck.

This is the "regeneration card."

Each player draws one card from the deck to form their hand.

Decide who will go first.

The game proceeds clockwise from the first player. Make sure your hand is hidden from other players.

Game Flow

The game progresses in "turns." The turn player draws one card from the top of the deck and adds it to their hand.

They then choose one card from their hand to play face up on the table. All cards have "effects," and players must follow these instructions. (Effects must be activated)

The timing of the card effects varies depending on the card.

The played card becomes a "discard pile." Each player places their discard pile in front of them, arranging them from left to right in the order they were played.

These discard piles are key for other players to deduce the hand of their opponents. After the card effect is activated, the turn ends. The next turn is taken by the player to the left, in a clockwise manner.

This process is repeated until the deck is depleted or there is only one player left.

Note: The regeneration card is not part of the deck. It is only used when "Kukunochi" regenerates.

If a player is eliminated due to a card effect, they must reveal their hand and add it to their discard pile.

Targeted Opponent
Some card effects require targeting an opponent. The turn player can choose any opponent, but cannot target themselves. It is more strategic to keep the targeted opponent’s cards face up, enhancing the psychological aspect of the game.

When Effects Do Not Activate
If a card is discarded due to the turn player’s action, its effect does not activate. Additionally, if the deck is empty when drawing a card due to the effects of Sword Girl, Warrior, or Boy, the effect does not activate, and the game ends.

Game End and Winner
The game ends when one of the following conditions is met:

Deck Depletion:
If the deck is empty at the end of a player’s turn, the game ends. In this case, all remaining players reveal their hands, and the player with the highest card value (number) wins. If two players have the highest card, it is a tie.

All but One Player Eliminated:
If all players except one are eliminated, the game ends, and the last remaining player is the winner.

All Players Eliminated:
If both players draw cards of the same value due to the Brewer’s effect and are eliminated, and no other players remain, it is a tie.

Level: 10 (1 card) Effect: "Regeneration"

Cannot be played on the field; if discarded, the player is eliminated. If eliminated by someone other than the Sword Girl, the player can regenerate from the regeneration card. Kukunochi possesses immense power but does not reveal itself. If found by the Sword Girl, it is defeated and eliminated on the spot. However, if eliminated by someone other than the Sword Girl, it regenerates from the regeneration card.

Sword Girl
Level: 9 (1 card) Effect: "Slash"

The targeted opponent draws a card from the deck, reveals both cards, and discards one as chosen by the Sword Girl.

The Sword Girl acts to defeat Kukunochi, a mysterious girl whose identity is unknown.

The Sword Girl uses a sword that seems otherworldly and can prevent Kukunochi’s regeneration.

Level: 8 (2 cards) Effect: "Telepathy"

Exchange hands with the targeted opponent.
Spirits have been watching over this star since ancient times but are invisible to humans.

They use their special powers to show people dreams, hoping to foster understanding between opponents.

Level: 7 (2 cards) Effect: "Cultivation & Harvest"

The first Farmer card allows the player to draw two cards instead of one on their next turn, choosing one to keep and returning other to the deck.

The second Farmer card allows the player to draw three cards, keeping one and returning the other two to the deck.

Agriculture is thriving on this star. Use cultivation and harvest to obtain advantageous cards. If the deck has only 2 or 3 cards remaining, draw the available number and choose one. (The player to the right of the current player shuffles the returned cards and the deck, then the player discards one card from their hand to activate the effect).

Masu Craftsman
Level: 6 (2 cards) Effect: "Manufacturing & Protection"

The first discarded card has no effect, but the player who discards the second one declares "FOMUS" and summons a FOMUS Masu to the field.

In case of defeat (if selected by the effects of Trainee or Boy (second time), or loses due to Brewer effect), the player can nullify the defeat once. (This can be used even without a Masu at hand).

In this village, "Masu = amulet" is a cultural norm, and many residents wear Masu. Only a select few families can manufacture Masu.

Level: 5 (1 card) Effect: "Brewing"

The targeted opponent and the player show their hands to each other, and the player with the lower number is eliminated.

The exchange is done secretly to avoid other players seeing. Due to thriving agriculture, the village has extensive knowledge and skills in processing.

They make sake from rice, wine from grapes, and even beer from barley. The female brewers in this village are exceptionally talented.

Level: 4 (2 cards) Effect: "Combat"

The targeted opponent draws a card from the deck. With two cards in hand, they secretly discard one.

The warriors of the Village of Trees undergo rigorous training. They utilize information from the Recon Team to defeat enemies.

Enjoying a drink after work brings happiness. (When choosing a card to discard, ensure it’s unclear whether it’s the originally held card or the drawn card).

Recon Team
Level: 3 (2 cards) Effect: "Reconnaissance"

View the hand of the targeted opponent.
The Recon Team, trained rigorously, excels in reconnaissance and information gathering.

The targeted player’s hand is viewed only by the Recon Team player.

The reconnaissance results must not be shared with other players.

Level: 2 (2 cards) Effect: "Suicide Attack"

If the turn player correctly guesses the targeted opponent’s hand, the opponent is eliminated.

Due to a shortage of personnel, trainees often go to the front lines.
Sometimes, they go on suicide missions, prepared to die. (The targeted player confirms whether the declaration matches their hand.

If correct, they discard their hand and are eliminated. If incorrect, they notify the player that they are wrong without revealing their hand).

Level: 1 (2 cards) Effect: "Transformation"

The first discarded card has no effect, but when the second one is played, it activates an effect similar to the Sword Girl.

The player who discards the second Boy card does not need to be the same player who discarded the first one. The Boy has no power as a child but grows stronger over time.

If the Boy's effect targets Kukunochi, it cannot eliminate Kukunochi like the Sword Girl and instead triggers the regeneration process. If the deck is empty when the second Boy is played, the effect is not activated, and the game ends.

Young Kukunochi
Level: 0 (1 card) Effect: "Photosynthesis"

This card is used only when "10: Kukunochi" is defeated by an effect other than "9: Sword Girl."

The player discards their hand and adds "Young Kukunochi" as a regeneration card to revive.

When played normally, it has no effect, but in a showdown with no cards left in the deck, it wins against "8: Spirit" in a one-on-one battle.

When Kukunochi exhausts all its power, it transforms into a younger version of itself. It gradually returns to its original form through photosynthesis, aided by the power of the Spirits.


Do not give to children under 3 years old due to the risk of accidental ingestion.

After use, store it out of reach of children under 3 years old.


Publisher: KUKU DAO (FOMUS) (For inquiries about defective products, please contact FOMUS.)

Game Design: MaSU

Illustration & Design Work: KUKU DAO This game is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons or organizations is purely coincidental.